We’re excited to present our most recent Trestleboard. Our monthly Trestleboard includes the most up-to-date information about our lodge. You can download our Trestleboard by clicking the links below:
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We’re excited to present our most recent Trestleboard. Our monthly Trestleboard includes the most up-to-date information about our lodge. You can download our Trestleboard by clicking the links below:
Maybe you’ve seen the square and compass logo on buildings around town or wondered about the meaning of emblems like the Masonic trowel. What’s the history behind Masonic symbols, and how do they factor into what happens in a lodge?
Could the simple act of joining a MasonicLodge be the key to rebuilding trust and strengthening democracy?
In this issue of California Freemason Magazine, we’re exploring the ways in which groups like the Masons can help members build social capital—a term first popularized by the sociologist Robert Putnam.
Discuss your Masonic experience with others easily by downloading the simple guide to Freemasonry and brushing up on the basics.
Trestleboard February 2022 v.1 It is interesting and a little challenging for research purposes that there are always events that our Brothers didn’t record in the Lodge Minutes for one reason or another. For example, the first Elk Grove fire of 1892. This fire which occurred on July 1st destroyed most of Elk Grove […]
What does ChatGPT have to say about Freemasonry? In the newest issue of California Freemason magazine, we asked the AI for its take.
Whether it’s the super idea behind a new charity, the fantastic team powering the state’s fastest-growing lodges, or the marvels of lodge administration, these heroes don’t wear capes, but they do wear aprons.
Brothers, I have a last minute change for you this month. While putting together the usual recounting of historical information gleaned from the Tiler Register, Minutes and Accounting records I encountered an oddity that I described last month. That is, the existence of multiple copies of Minutes. Again, I have no explanation for this but […]
DUPLICATION OF RECORDS Here is something of a curiosity. Our lodge’s first book of Minutes was started with our first meeting on August 6, 1864 with the final entry on December 27, 1882, creating a span of 18 years and 4 months. This first book of Minutes is identified in our library reference system as […]
FIRST CORNERSTONE The first reference we have of a cornerstone being laid by our lodge brothers is captured in the Minutes of July 29, 1876. “A communication was received from Brother A.J. Melson to lay the corner stone of the M.E. Church at Elk Grove. Moved and seconded that on the 4th of August […]
By November of 1879, Elk Grove Lodge No. 173 had been in existence for over 15 years. During those years we had a small number of Lodge Masters, the first being Brother Anson S. Ferris who served for only 3 months until the end of 1864. As you may remember, Brother Ferris requested a demit […]
Author’s Note We are covering the history of our lodge loosely in chronological order. The last installment of these Chronicles went until March of 1874, just about 10 years after our first meeting as a lodge at Brother Obediah Freeman’s house and just 3 years after we had purchased our first lodge property. By March […]
(Author’s Note) In the last installment of the Chronicles of Elk Grove Lodge, it was mentioned that some time had passed that was unaccounted for in either the Tiler Register or Minutes. We did well up until around 1866 and then we would have a month here or there without any documentation. Then we began […]
From 1864 through 1871 our lodge was gradually growing. As today, Brothers came by way of petitions to receive the degrees of Masonry, and some of those began as visitors later to become affiliates. The total number of petitions received during the 6 ½ year period of this article, was 35. DEMITS In November […]
In the 1850’s Elk Grove began as a stage stop and hotel to provide for the needs of travelers from San Francisco, Sacramento and Stockton. James Watson Hall is credited with the naming of this Hotel and subsequently the town of Elk Grove. According to the Elk Grove Historical Society, Brother Hall became a Freemason […]
Elk Grove Lodge No. 173 was first organized on July 30, 1864 in the home of Obediah Shank Freeman. A few months later, on October 13, 1864, the lodge charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of California. Elk Grove Lodge No. 173 has been in continuous operation with over 150 years of service to […]
Check out our latest video feature, an enlightening conversation between Grand Master G. Sean Metroka and Prince Hall Grand Master David San Juan, two distinguished leaders in California #Freemasonry.
Take a deep dive into the history and legacy of Prince Hall the man, as well as the history of the organization that today bears his name.
In this issue of California Freemason, we’re exploring what it takes to get new lodges off the ground, and how they define themselves within the landscape of Masonry in the state.
Between July 10–21, we’re asking all members who are comfortable doing so to post a short message on Facebook or Instagram saying why Freemasonry is important to you.
In the Magic Issue of California Freemason magazine, we’re casting a light on some of those similar connections between magic and Masonry.
Most people know that there are two things that Masons don’t discuss in the lodge room: politics and religion. Instead, they focus on the things that bind them, not that divide. Could that be a model for a more harmonious world outside the lodge?